At all venues and activities associated with MDMCS, safety is a major factor.
As previously advised safety is everyone's responsibility and safe practices are to be encouraged.
When visiting a complex, make it a practice to ascertain where fences, barriers, trees and any other obstructions are located.
Be aware of the affects of exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) radiation, whilst not riding. The club encourages the use, by members, of their shade tents, shade from trees, umbrellas, broad brim hats or similar shade producing devices.
Use broad spectrum, water resistant sunscreen SPF 30+, apply as per manufacturers' instructions, sunglasses meeting Australian standard as 1067, are recommended for eye protection.
Always wear your helmet, even for a short trip.
Use sensible footwear, no thongs or sandals.
A long sleeve shirt or top is to be worn at all times.
Always ride in the correct direction.
No doubling up on bikes, particularly with small children.
Do not cut the circuit, or pull out in front of oncoming riders. If you stop, pull to the side.
Riders under 16 years of age to be supervised by a parent or guardian.
Vehicle and bike speed on roads is max 10 kph.
Riding speed in car parks and pit areas is limited to walking pace.
Very young or inexperienced riders are to be discouraged from using the main circuit while fast riders or heavy traffic exists.
No "donuts" in car parks or pit areas.
On competition days, rules as per the manual of motor sport, and competition licence requirements apply.
When involved in free riding, if a rider witnesses a fallen rider then it is that witnessing riders responsibility to stop immediately, warn oncoming riders and render assistance eg First Aid where warranted.